OOTD-green trains
these pics were taken around begin and mid of march...
then when the weather was beautiful- sunshine blue sky- what ever it even was to hot for this pants but i had no time to change and the outfit was only ready with it :p
as you remember i did already two posts with kind of that location here and here and that day somehow i just felt like doing other pictures too so i made 2 series out of 1 haha!
definately going back to that train i am in love *_*
happy easter to eveeeerybody- yesterday i celebrated with my girlys my birthday which was amazing! today big easter festivity lot of fun getting together with the whole family and friends and spending quality time together!
♥ Milena
here is another section from the shooting with my little brother- here we did some selfies and had so much fun doing and posing haha he is is the best! :)
hope you are having beautiful easter celebrations and i am really excited for my birthday tomorrow! :p
and looking forward to the evening where i will party with my girlys and everybody...
♥ Milena
OOTD-orangina meets winterina
sooorry for my lack of post these last two days but i had so much going on like driving school and lessons in the morning where i drove trough the city very exciting :p
and some meetings, and today my girlys (Anny and Mimi) came over and we had some quality friends time together laughing chatting and have fashion talks (:
now i have to leave again because i make a trip to the countryside where my whole family stays through the easter holidays and my birthday is not far away so i am happy allover!
i thought some nice winter and snow pictures at the end of march would be nice hahah...
but there is no other chance, we have to accept or fly to some sunny destinations anyway, just dreams :D
♥ Milena
OOTD-revival winter and baroque
hope there will be a change soon!
in the meantime i get out all my winter jackets and coats and try to come back to warmer inspired outfits!
this simple but also kind chic look was today woren for a special occasion, eating with my family! first i had some simpler outfit with hoodie and beanie for driving lessons- i drove first time on the street- crazy :) but i actually like it haha
hope you survived monday!? (:
♥ Milena
OOTD-spring break 2
as i already told you i did many pictures because i actually had so much fun with my little brother I am beyond excited how talented he is! so there are a few more pictures upcoming...
not sure when but definatley get to see them all :)
sorry that i haven't postet yesterday i had the idea and everything prepeared but then i was that tired that i layed back in bed and fell asleep and had no energy to get up again!
weather is crazy here- these pics are from friday today it felt snow and we have a white landscape- i really cant be excited about it and just hope that spring comes in big steps...
for all those who have to work this week- or just things to do keep on going and good luck :)
♥ Milena
no matter how warm its outside i am into spring already! :)
this lilac pants make good mood and its a classic outfit...
i did kind of photoshoot with my little brother he had so much fun pushing the button so actually we shot aroung 60 pictures! and he is really talented as you can see :p
there are coming many other posts with this style but different pics
have a great weekend and holidays-enjoy :D
♥ Milena
OOTD-outside to bright 2
here is the second post from the pictures i showed you yesterday :)
today school was good to see everybody again and have some fun!
tomorrow i am not at home the whole day first normal school then a special respect project and directly afterwards driving school :p
♥ Milena
OOTD-outside to bright
yesterday there was apocalypse feeling aroung town,
and today 180 degree turn- sun shine bright day blue sky some clouds little bit windy melting snow and you wont beliefe but in the sun i can go with a tank top what crazy shit is it!?
like 4 seasons in one month challenge i think something like that :p
i cut this into two posts because i dont want to shock you today with my tanktee pics, so today just with my blazer overneath and tomorrow without...
i wore this outfit on sunday for st. Patricksday and the birthday party from my aunt, and i just used another shade of green but it was in occasion for that day! ;D
had just no time to shoot and show you the look so today here we go!
my name for this post relate on that song (an absolutely amazing song i am in love-old but i just discoverd)
Lianne La Havas- no room for doubt
♥ Milena
OOTD-warm berrys
yesterday there was a tiny little bit of sunshine i instantly used for some outfit shots! :)
i took out my warm winter pullover and threw over my leather jacket, my ny beanie and vans just simple weekend look!
i went to another new location i discovered that other day :p
i have also no school the next two days!
♥ Milena
OOTD-grey saturday
just a simple grey outfit, it was sooo cold! :)
my go to thing right know is definately a thin jacket with a vest makes everyoutfit more special d:
i wore a second jacket overneath but it was dammed freezing as hell!
this leggin is definately one of my fav's. i could always wear it, it goes with almost everything!
hope you get well trough the weekend ;p
♥ Milena
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