
2012-review 1-6

My favorite of each month this year! Plus the picture i started in these 12 months of passion dreams and of course downs

<3 Milena



xoxo short update from me i am enjoying my christmas holidays a party here some family meetings there so time passes by so fast and as soon as we can say what a beautiful 2012 the new years eve will be here and 2013 starts with new passions :)

♥ Milena


OOTD-money gang

these days the big christmas sale started- simple result- you have to go into the shopping malls :)
and so i did with my mumy, we were there the whole day and spent so much money aw, but got so nice stuff! i love every single piece, even more because it was on sale and had so good prizes *_*
i will show it to you sooon, so keep on watching out my catches i found out in these big tables full of stuff- i really tried to pick out the samples that look so cool hahah^^
now i am tired as hell, this is really a sport- and anybody who says to shop is not exhausting never did REAL hardcore shopping like womans used to do :D hahah
hope you had great chistmas days and now enjoy your holidays

♥ Milena

Trouser: Zara; Shoes: Esprit; Shirt: H&M; Jacket&Scarf: Only; Bag: H&M;


OOTD-Santa Lady

this is the second xmas outfit i pulled together in such a rush i had like 10 minutes until we left-and i changed three times so you can imagine what a mess my room looked after that but i really liked the result simple straight with this mix of gold and fake fur- never thought it would look that good :)))
yesterday i also went out with Fabi my girl :* it was amazing we visited two locations one just to drink something and look good and the other one was a hip hop party with 100°C in it- so dammed hot... but it was another nice challenge to dress up, we did not bad i must say haha ;D

♥ Milena

we are dumbs xD


OOTD-merry xmas


♥ Milena


OOTD-feeling bad in great clothes

this is a short update from me i am on the way to the top again uuf i am so happy about it!
the outfit is from the day i just came home and fell completely done in my bed and did not came out until yesterday...
i really like how it tourned out-was not sure about the print mix of stars with camo but anyway i like it :p hahah so this is my new fav scarf and this shirt is of course also seen very often on the blog i think :)

i hope to get ready for the sale soooooon- as you know i love to catch the cheap pieces and i have such a big pleasure with it hihih :DD

♥ Milena


SICK - have to make a break

sorry i can not update right now - i have a very bad flu!
i am the hole day in the bed and can not do anything... i hope you can understand this i let you know when i post normally again i dont know how long it takes but there will.be a break of post until christmas so for the next 3 days

<3 Milena


OOTD-oldie, every thing starts in the past

i see it in front of my eyes... the outfit i wore the first day i attended my new school, it was nothing special if i think about it! but anyway this plaid-button up shirt- is still one of my favs. even if i havent woren it for months now, but today it came to my mind and i had to do a simple school look with two old pieces also the skirt is an oldie but still goldie to wear for certain locations :)
whish you a wonderful weeeek hnys the last before christchild and santa claus are coming to our kiddys and houses to celebrate! and peng the change of year is here, and we go into 2013 with new inspirations, ambitions-and of course open for new things to happen!

♥ Milena

Dressed fully in H&M stuff (i am a LOVER :p)

Pictures of le Party

hihhih another gooooooood party night with my girls fabi and mimi ♥


OOTD-I ♥ NY-still in Love

this is actually a cheated post- because i already did it at home- hope you are okay with that ;))
anyway these are just simple snapshots i did before i left for an event where my bestfriend and i had an performance!
:) this shirt is my broken NY heart because i cant be there- but i want it so terrible-  still in memories back there as i visited in summer 2011 *_*

some pictures are coming soon- mimi and i did before our dance :p just funny best friends-looking-like-sisters pictures :p

♥ Milena